
Written and Over-written: Investigating Metafictional Strategies in Janet Frame’s The Carpathians

Pooja Sancheti

Publication: Volume 3 Issue 1

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Keywords: Postmodernist Poetics, Embedded Narrative, Metafiction, Ontological Dominant, Realities, Memory, Language

Pooja Sancheti (pooja.sancheti@gmail.com) is a faculty member at Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Department at the IISER, Pune, India where she teaches courses primarily on Indian Writing in English, Science Fiction, Women’s Writing, and Academic Writing. She earned her Ph.D. in English Literature from The English and Foreign Languages University in 2014. Her dissertation examined the shift from modernist to postmodernist sensibilities in Western fiction and sought to define this shift along the lines of myth and magic.