Article Publications
Suggested Keywords: Narrative, Self, Subject, Consciousness, Identity, Memory, Body, Desire, Trauma, Love, Queer, Exile, Language, Difference, Space, Utopia, Heterotopia, Dystopia, Temporality, Aesthetics, Representation, Music, Theatre, Media, Cinema, Fiction, Adaptation, Translation, Ethics, Freedom, Visual, Indigenous, Colonialism, Capitalism, Postmodern, Technology, Posthuman, History, Politics, Literature
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Unseen Bodies: Sexuality and Subordination in Manto’s "Blouse" Samiksha | Jawaharlal Nehru University, India Published on 24 December 2024 | Theme | Body and Sexuality: Beyond Cultural Binaries Abstract | Domestic servants are shadowy yet ubiquitous presences in upper and middle-class homes in the Indian subcontinent. Separated by socio-economic divisions and hierarchies, the unavoidability of proximity between bodies from different social strata inhabiting the same domestic space often creates tensions over possibilities of cross-class intimacies. ...[show more] Keywords | Body, Class, Gender, Adolescent Sexuality, Domestic Servant, Servitude, Socio-economic Divide, Indian Household, Saadat Hasan Manto PDF Downloads: 262 | [Full Text PDF] |
Medical Humanities Pedagogy: Beyond Ethics, Towards Empathy Samantha Allen Wright | William Penn University, USA Published on 21 December 2024 | Forum Submission Excerpt | Most medical humanities curriculums focus on students going into healthcare fields, with the intent of training more empathic practitioners and helping students learn about systemic issues like healthcare disparities and bias in medical research. Although these goals are vital, I argue that medical humanities curriculums benefit all students, regar...[show more] Keywords | Medical Humanities, Empathy, Pedagogy, Interdisciplinary Education, Curriculum, Health Literacy, Healthcare PDF Downloads: 132 | [Full Text PDF] |
(Il)legal Bodies: Activism, Climate Fictions, Climate Culling Jonathan Hay | University of Chester, England Published on 18 December 2024 | Forum Submission Excerpt | When the non-violent environmental protest group Extinction Rebellion (XR) was created in late 2018, I was completing a Masters in Research in Science Fiction Literature. Although initially nervous, I understood the urgent need to non-violently protest the lack of governmental action on the climate and ecological crisis (as it has since become kno...[show more] Keywords | Illegal Bodies, Climate Activism, Climate Fictions, Climate Culling, Anthropogenic Climate Impacts, Extractivism, Criminalised Environmental Protest, Anti-Protest Legislation, State Repression, Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil, Geoengineering, Clifi Narratives, Pedagogy PDF Downloads: 126 | [Full Text PDF] |
Reversing Chronic Disease through Functional Medicine: Acknowledging Privilege and Seeking Justice Rosalynn A. Vega | University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA Published on 18 December 2024 | Forum Submission Excerpt | This piece is based on twenty-eight months of digital-auto-ethnographic research. While my research methods included traditional ethnographic research in face-to-face settings and digital ethnography, my personal experience is also embedded in the work. In this piece, you will find “interludes” that provide glimpses into my healing journey. When wr...[show more] Keywords | Functional Medicine, Chronic Disease, Socioeconomic Poverty, Food Justice, Health Justice, Systems Biology, Nested Ecologies, Autoethnography PDF Downloads: 138 | [Full Text PDF] |
Necropolitics and Neocolonialism in International Assistance and Bias against People of Color Tala Dowlatshahi | Independent Advisor, Humanitarian Sector, USA Published on 18 December 2024 | Forum Submission Excerpt | My main research focus is ethnographies and the lived experience of people of color, particularly women of color, working in the international assistance sector. As a senior global advisor focusing on decolonization and systemic change, I am driven to explore how to promote theories of change within this sector, which in my view continues to dehuma...[show more] Keywords | Necropolitics, Neocolonialism, International Humanitarian Aid Sector, People of Color, COVID-19 Vaccine Apartheid, Global South PDF Downloads: 150 | [Full Text PDF] |
Erotohistoriography, Identity, and Queer Times and Spaces in Michelle Cliff’s Novels Begoña Vilouta-Vázquez | The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, USA Published on 12 December 2024 | Theme | Body and Sexuality: Beyond Cultural Binaries Abstract | This article presents a discussion on Michelle Cliff’s project to unveil the counterhistories of Jamaica, buried, left out, and underrepresented by the colonial project. In the case of Abeng (1984) and No Telephone to Heaven (1987), an intersection of postcolonial and queer theories facilitates a unique reading of these novels as vehicles in this p...[show more] Keywords | Erotohistoriography, Embodied Experience, Non-Normative Bodies, Identity, Resistance, Memory, Logic of Purity, Coloniality of Power, Queer Time, Queer Space, Postcolonial Theory, Abeng, No Telephone to Heaven, Elizabeth Freeman, Jack Halberstam PDF Downloads: 229 | [Full Text PDF] |
Reading Meredith Talusan’s Fairest: A Queer Decolonial Critique of the U.S. Empire Ying Ma | Nova Southeastern University, USA Published on 16 October 2024 | Theme | Body and Sexuality: Beyond Cultural Binaries Abstract | This essay examines Meredith Talusan’s Fairest, the first book-length memoir by and about a trans Asian woman. I argue that Talusan’s gender and sexual reconstruction is an ongoing process of accepting, negotiating, and rejecting ideas deeply rooted in the white heteropatriarchy that prevails throughout the U.S. transnational empire. I first invest...[show more] Keywords | LGBTIQ+, Asian American Queerness, Transwoman, Transfeminism, Filipino Transgender, Meredith Talusan, Sexual Fluidity, American Imperialism PDF Downloads: 336 | [Full Text PDF] |
In response to George H. Jensen’s “The ‘Truly Shakespearean’ Trump: Reading Fascism in Project 2025” James S. Baumlin | Missouri State University, USA Published on 10 October 2024 | In Response Excerpt | I appreciate Dr. Jensen’s exploration of the ways that we seek to interpret and respond to (in effect, “to read”) our times through the patterns of narrative (call them mythoi) expressed in literature. In Attitudes Toward History (1937), Kenneth Burke interpreted his own historic moment—one marked by the rise of Hitlerian fascism—through contrastin...[show more] Keywords | Shakespearean, Mythos, Fascism, Project 2025, Christian Nationalism, American Political Culture PDF Downloads: 235 | [Full Text PDF] |
The Truly "Shakespearean" Trump: Reading Fascism in Project 2025: In response to James S. Baumlin's "“The Shakespearean Moment” in American Popular/Political Culture: Editorializing in the Age of Trump" George H. Jensen | University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA Published on 25 September 2024 | In Response Excerpt | As they struggle to report on our abnormal times, American news reporters and television newscasters have regularly invoked the name of Shakespeare, declaring this or that MAGA-Trumpian act “almost Shakespearean,” “Shakespearean,” or “truly Shakespearean.” In “‘The Shakespearean Moment’ in American Popular/Political Culture,” James S. Baumlin explo...[show more] Keywords | Shakespearean, Fascism, Project 2025, Donald J. Trump, MAGA, American Political Culture PDF Downloads: 295 | [Full Text PDF] |
“The Shakespearean Moment” in American Popular/Political Culture: Editorializing in the Age of Trump James S. Baumlin | Missouri State University, USA Published on 23 July 2024 | Special Submission Abstract | This present essay meditates on media deployments of the term, “Shakespearean,” offering an analysis of its political implications. As a micro-instance of Shakespearean appropriation, such TV-editorial invocations of the Bard’s name and writings reflect on the ways that some (not all) American television audiences interpret and respond to the prese...[show more] Keywords | Self, Persona, Theatrum Mundi, Shakespearean Moment, Irony, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Sophocles, Oedipus, Donald J. Trump, New York State Prosecution of Trump, Political Theatre, American Popular Culture PDF Downloads: 376 | [Full Text PDF] |
Kinetics of Argument: Rhetorical Vorticity of Ethos within COVID-19 Vaccination Narratives Alexia Charoupa-Sapsis | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Andreas Karatsolis | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Published on 26 April 2024 | Special Submission Abstract | During pandemic times, when vaccination-induced herd immunity is presumed as the sole remedy, government officials engage in wide-reaching persuasive moves to promote vaccination. Within this context, governments and government administrators assume the position of persuasive actors, or rhetors, undertaking the major task of mobilizing their entire...[show more] Keywords | Ethos, Invented ethos, Situated ethos, Rhetorical Vorticity, Kinetical ethos, Persuasion, Character, Rhetor, Audience, COVID-19, Pandemic, Greece, Israel, Vaccination, Aristotle PDF Downloads: 433 | [Full Text PDF] |
Embodied Knowledge and Impenetrable Subjectivities: Lowndes’s and Hitchcock’s, The Lodger Robert Preslar | Fukuoka Women's University, Japan Published on 26 April 2024 | Theme | Reconfiguring Corporeality in 21st Century Abstract | This essay traces issues of embodiment through Marie Belloc Lowndes’ 1913 novel The Lodger, to the 1927 film adaptation of that novel, The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Despite the fact that Hitchcock’s adaptation departs from Lowndes’ novel in important ways, it is a work which builds upon and recontextualizes, r...[show more] Keywords | Embodiment, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Alfred Hitchcock, The Lodger, Adaptation Studies, Film Studies PDF Downloads: 609 | [Full Text PDF] |
[Retracted] Indigenising Anthropology with Guattari and Deleuze by Barbara Glowczewski James Perez | Colorado Mesa University, USA Published on 20 March 2024 | [Retracted] Book Review Excerpt | Anthropologist Barbara Glowczewski has been conducting fieldwork with indigenous people around the world, focusing largely on the Warlpiri of Australia, since the late 1970s. Indigenising Anthropology with Guattari and Deleuze is a collection of essays written by Glowczewski that spans over four decades. The French scholars Pierre-Felix Guattari an...[show more] Keywords | Indigenous people, Aboriginal Culture, Warlpiri, Australia, Dreaming, Rhizome, Anthropology, Ethnography, Western Modernity, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari PDF Downloads: 598 | [Full Text PDF] |
Secular Translations: Nation-State, Modern Self, and Calculative Reason by Talal Asad Emre Keser | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA Published on 29 December 2023 | Book Review Excerpt | Those who are familiar with Talal Asad’s works, in particular Genealogies of Religion (1993) and Formations of the Secular (2003), will not be surprised that this book too deals with “the idea of the secular” (1). In his previous works, Asad has dealt with the secular by offering genealogical critiques of the binary between the religious and the se...[show more] Keywords | Modern Self, Secularism, Translation, Language, Religion, Discursive Tradition, Christianity, Islam, Qur’an, Ghazālī, Ibn Taymiyya, Jürgen Habermas, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Walter Benjamin PDF Downloads: 808 | [Full Text PDF] |
To Tell or Not to Tell: Nature and Objectives of Mental Illness Narratives/Autopathographies Naveen John Panicker | St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi, India Published on 21 December 2023 | Theme | Telling Life Stories: Ethos, Positionality, and Structures of Narrative Abstract | The act of writing about oneself has almost always been seen as an inherently truthful act, and the ensuing narrative as authentic; memoirs, autobiographies, and life narratives in general have often been regarded as truthful accounts of an individual or a collective experience. But any act of narrativizing—regardless of whether it borrows its sour...[show more] Keywords | Mental Illness Narratives, Memoirs, Autopathography, Depression, Suicide, Memory, Agency, Testimony, Language, Katherine Redfield Jamison, An Unquiet Mind, William Styron, Darkness Visible PDF Downloads: 562 | [Full Text PDF] |
Showing 1 to 15 of 136 entries