Publishing Ethics

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Policy

LLIDS adheres to fair and transparent Publication Ethics and Malpractice policies, which are in close conjunction with the core practices as defined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). LLIDS hopes to have a shared understanding of ethical practices in academia with all its contributions, through the literature below.

Editorial Policy

LLIDS only publishes previously unpublished work. All submissions are thoroughly checked for similarity index and plagiarism. The submissions which do not meet the basic criteria are given a desk rejection. Our Editorial process is elaborated in detail here. The publication decision for each submission is based on the collated reviews of the Editorial Team, the Advisory Editorial Board, and the peer reviews received for the submission. The decision of the editorial team, in regard to publication, is final and binding. The selection of articles for publication is solely on the basis of the merit of the works submitted.

Publication Model

LLIDS came out with quarterly Issues from its inception in September 2017 to June 2023. As of July 2023, LLIDS has transitioned to a Continuous Publication model. In this model individual papers which have been accepted are published without waiting for the entire Issue to be ready. Consequently, it allows for a faster publication of papers, which is advantageous to both the authors and readers. The published papers are later on collated within the Issue once it is complete. All published papers are available both in the List of Published Articles on the website – – as well as on the Ongoing Issue page. 


All information regarding a submission is only revealed to its corresponding author(s), reviewers, editorial board members, or the publisher as is required or otherwise appropriate.

Disclosure and Conflicts of interest

Editors and editorial board members will not use unpublished information/data presented in a submission for their own research purposes without taking the authors’ prior consent. In case of any degree of conflict of interest emerging from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships/connections with any of the authors or institutions related to the submission, editors and editorial board members will notify other team members immediately and excuse themselves from getting involved with the screening and evaluation of such papers; instead, they will ask another member of the editorial team to undertake the due editorial steps.

Peer Review Policy

LLIDS follows a double-blind peer review policy. The identity of the reviewers as well as the authors are kept confidential from each other. Reviewers are selected keeping in mind that their subject area as well as their level of educational qualifications match with that of the author. Authors are encouraged to participate in the peer review process. Please read further details on the Peer Review Policy and Guidelines here.

Submissions Criteria for Pre-Archived Works

LLIDS does not consider submissions that have been self-archived/published on author’s websites or have been archived as pre-prints in any other website. However, works archived in Institutional repositories, as requisite of Institutional policies, are exempted from this rule. The author should inform LLIDS of the same via the submission form.

Similarity Index and Plagiarism Policy

The similarity index of all submissions is checked by calculating the percentage of quotes in order to maintain the level of original content in the paper. The accepted percentage may vary according to the discipline or the subjective requirement of the submission as seen fit by the editorial team.

LLIDS follows a Zero Plagiarism Policy. Although the responsibility to submit plagiarism free works belongs to the author, all selected papers are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. LLIDS strongly advocates against self-plagiarism as well.


LLIDS publishes under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Authors agree to publish their work under the same CC-BY 4.0 International License.


The full text of all articles published in LLIDS is available free of cost to readers in PDF format from the time of publication without any embargo time. Please read our Open Access Statement here.

Archiving and Self-Archiving

LLIDS archives all the published articles on its website and puts all its articles on as well. The journal does not allow pre-print archiving but authors are free to archive the Final Publisher’s PDF of the published work as they see fit. LLIDS encourages authors to self-archive their articles in open access repositories.


The authors retain the copyright of their work and can re-publish their work wherever they see fit, provided they acknowledge LLIDS as the original publisher and provide the URL of the work in the re-publication.

Copyright Infringement

In case of any third-party copyright infringement issues, LLIDS encourages the authors to adhere to the guidelines of Columbia University Libraries’ Fair Use Policy by evaluating their usage of any copyrighted material against their Fair Use Checklist. The authors are responsible for ensuring that they are not violating any copyright laws and have taken permission for any copyrighted material used in their work when required. They are to provide the said permissions to LLIDS before publication. The responsibility for the same lies solely with the author and LLIDS is in no case liable for any copyright infringement issues in the published papers.

Policy to deal with Publication Malpractices

  • The decision of publication can be revoked at any point before publication and the work can even be retracted after publication if it is found to violate the plagiarism policy, be engaged in any copyright dispute, be short of any publication criteria, or found unsuitable for publication due to any reason by the editorial team.
  • The authors may be blacklisted from participation in future Issues as per the discretion of the Editorial team.
  • LLIDS will always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.

Correction/Retraction Policy

If a significant error/inaccuracy is found in a published work, the author as well as the editorial team are obligated to notify each other and the author is to cooperate with the editorial team to either correct the inaccuracy or, in case such a correction is not possible, retract the publication and announce the same as suitable. In case an inaccuracy is found in a published work, it is the author’s responsibility to authenticate the research and provide necessary supporting documents for the same. If the author is not obliging or the editorial team is not convinced by the supporting arguments, the decision to retract the publication would lie with the editorial team.

Submission of a work to LLIDS implicates that the author(s) –

  1. Takes responsibility that work belongs to him/her/them, is completely free of plagiarism, and has never been published before in any form. 
  2. Has properly cited all sources and quotes used in the research. Information obtained privately, as in interviews, conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source. If such sources have not been previously published, it is preferable to submit their transcripts as appendix along with the submission.
  3. Has particularly specified in the submission form if work has been uploaded online for any purpose including but not exclusive to institutional archiving, pre-publication archiving, or self archiving.
  4. Has not submitted a multiple, redundant, or concurrent publication. Submissions of previous publications or submissions describing essentially the same research or similar sections from a previous research should not be submitted. Submitting the same research to more than one journal is considered malpractice and may lead to being blacklisted from the journal.
  5. Has not submitted the work elsewhere and will not do so while the paper is under consideration in LLIDS.
  6. Has written permission to use any diagrams/charts/figures/images the work may contain from the original copyright holder and will be able to furnish the same if the paper is selected for publication.
  7. Confirms that they have acknowledged the authorship of all contributors as co-authors. LLIDS does not publish acknowledgements of any sort apart from the list of authors of the work. The submitting author/corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper and are in agreement about its submission to LLIDS for consideration.


LLIDS is fueled by the voluntary efforts of its Editorial Team and is published under the aegis of its head organisation, E.L.A. Project. LLIDS accepts voluntary donations – Support Us.

Optional APC (Article Processing Charges) Policy

LLIDS started its Optional APC Policy from its Issue 4.4. The Optional APC Policy allows for scholars from disparate economic and geographical backgrounds to participate in creation and dissemination of ideas without any financial barriers. The policy—created with the aim to attempt to create sustenance and long-term viability of LLIDS and its publishing processes—ensures and emphasizes that scholars who are unable to pay the APCs are in no way bound to them and will always remain exempted from them.

The Optional APC policy does not affect the publication decision in any way, whatsoever. The selection of articles for publication is solely on the basis of the merit of the work submitted. In order to ensure the above, the editorial team does not have access to the information regarding the APC choice filed by the submitters.

The Optional APCs are applicable for:

  1. Institutionally funded authors.
  2. Non-funded authors who choose to pay them if they want to contribute to our sustenance and long-term viability.
  3. APCs are only to be paid once a submission has been accepted for publication.

APC Amount: $100

All communication regarding the ‘Optional APC Policy‘ will be sent from our organizational email ID –