Book Review Guidelines

General Guidelines for Book Reviews

Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies (LLIDS) considers the following genres for book reviews –

– Academic books

– Non-fiction – Memoirs, Biographies, Autobiographies, and Travelogues

– Fiction and Poetry

Format of writing the details of the book under review:

Name of the book in capital. By author’s name. (Translator’s name, if required). Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication; page count. ISBN No.

Example: LETTERS OF TRANSIT: REFLECTIONS ON EXILE, IDENTITY, LANGUAGE, AND LOSS. Edited by Andre Aciman. New York: The New Press, 2000; pp.144., $16.95, ISBN: 9781565846074

– Introduce the author and situate the book vis-à-vis the timing of its writing and its context.

– Coherent description of the main argument(s) in the book under review.

– Highlighting merits/demerits or highpoints/missing points in the book.

– Accessibility or points of interest in the style of writing.

– Evaluate how the book responds to the existing scholarship or provide new perspectives on it.

– Evaluate how it is different from other books published in similar areas or topics.

– How far has the book justified its stated aims and how will it benefit or interest the readers?

– Is the book meant for laymen audience or is it limited to the audience of a particular subject?

– Length of the Book review: 750-2500 words

– We prefer authors to contact the publisher of the book to be reviewed to obtain a high resolution cover image of the book.

– Please submit book reviews through the submission form in the General Call for Papers.

Potential Book Reviewers:

We are always looking for new book reviewers interested in various disciplines including, but not limited to, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, history, literature, sociology, and economics.

If you wish to become a book reviewer, write to us along with your CV. You can send us a few titles that you would like to review or just your areas of interest. Please contact our editors at